Sunday, February 28, 2010


A whole month of school just passed...three more months to go! I forgot to mention in my last blog that I passed my winter class Psychology-Human Growth and Development with a B *smile*

The second weekend of February (aka my birthday weekend), I decided to get three wisdom teeth and one molar extracted in one sitting. They put me to sleep, too. I made this decision because I've been feeling the pressure of the wisdom teeth growing. I was in pain, and I just HAD to get them removed ASAP. I didn't want to be in pain this semester... It sucked because that weekend, I was going to get a tattoo for my birthday. But then I thought, I can always get a tattoo next month. It was a good experience. I was SO scared to get them removed. I remember being sooo nervous while waiting on the chair in the dentist room. I'm thankful that Brian was there for me the whole time....beginning, middle, and end. I'm thankful that Brian took care of me and bought me my Peaches & Cream Oatmeal in the middle of the night when I was hungry. (Brian, if you EVER read this: Thank you for being supportive and patient. I LOVE YOU!)

I'll also talk about my classes that I'm taking so far...

English 1B - My teacher, Mrs. Messershmidt is a really interesting teacher. She seems down-to-earth and happy, but just a little disorganized. Her style of teaching is tremendously different from my teacher last semester, Mr. Brennan. Last semester, I had homework due EVERY WEEK. This semester, I just have easy readings and then we discuss/analyze the reading in class. I haven't had an essay due, yet. I feel fortunate to have Mrs. Messershmidt because she mentioned that she doesn't care about MLA format or length, she only cares about the content....which is good because I'm all about content, too!

Public Speaking - Everytime I enter this class, I get nervous. Not a time goes by where I just want to ditch... but every single time, I find myself thinking "fuck it, I need this class." I don't know why I let this class play mental/emotional games with me. But I've decided that I CHOOSE to learn and grow in this class. The more I practice, the more comfortable I'll be. My first speech is going to be this Monday, March 1st. I'm doing a Speech to Teach and it has to be 5-6 minutes long. I'll be teaching how to make a Turon (Banana Lumpia). My teacher, Mrs. Ensminger, is a great teacher... I can tell she loves her job.

Statistics - So far..... I'm understanding statistics! I especially like how I can learn more about it online (via e-book). My teacher, Mr. Nakahama makes math fun. I'm REALLY glad I chose him.

Human Biology - We just had our first midterm last Friday. I'm taking this class with John John and it's fun!

Overall..... I can already tell that this semester is going to be an enjoyable one. I want to make the most out of it...

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