Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Public Speaking

So lately, I've been stressing out/nervous over school. It doesn't start until next week but there's one class that I'm hesitant about. I wanna drop it, but I need it to transfer. PUBLIC SPEAKING. I do consider myself a "people person" but I would just rather choose to be anti-social. I would rather use my time elsewhere....I feel like I can make better use of my time doing something else.

The reason why I'm stressing about this class is because I've had bad experiences when I was younger at church.

(1) Andrew wanted me to pray for a huge devotional prayer for church, and the whole chapel was filled with people. I backed out last minute.
(2) In choir, they would randomly pick someone to pray at the beginning and ending of choir practices. Once, I accidentally said, "Please bless our sins" lol! I didn't even notice I said it until all my friends were making fun of me afterward.

I like praying! Don't get my wrong! I just don't like being the one to lead a prayer.

I know I should face my fear in public speaking. I gotta learn to put my foot in mirky waters.

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