Sunday, June 7, 2009

Helloooo~ June!

Grades are in :) I took three classes this spring semester and this is what I got!

Spring '09 Semester:
Asian Roots & Culture - A
Music Appreciation - A
International Films - B

I'm proud of myself. I saw myself improve through the years. When I saw my unofficial transcript, I was able to see when my life was going down hill because it reflected through my grades. Last last semester (fall 08) I went back to school after taking two years off.

Fall '08 Semester:
Health and Lifestyle - A
Human Heredity & Disease - B

Seeing A's and B's are B-e-A-utiful! <-- LOL that was corny. John John also got good grades this semester! He went to school with me @ Mission and I really pushed him this semester...well, sorta.

Here's what John John got (I felt that this was worth posting):
Asian Roots & Culture - A
Human Sexuality - A
International Films - B
Human Heredity & Disease - C

He did a good job! I'm so proud of my younger brother!! Great job, John John!

Other news: My mother taught me and Mayumi how to crochet. Honestly, she's a bad teacher because she kept saying "okay, you do it like thiiiis" and then she'd show me hella fast. On top of that, she was explaining it to me in tagalog! Hahah... I mean, I could understand a few words but sigh... I still felt lost in translation. Mayumi gave up HAHA. In the end, I finally got the basics down - yay for me! I'm going to check youtube if they have any crochetting tutorials *crossing fingers!* I'm going to make scarves, and when I get that down, I'll make cute bags...and then when I get that down, I'll make beanies....then when I get that down, I'll make a sweater. Whoohoo! Well...that's just the plan for now though. I might just get frustrated along the way and give up. We'll see...

Me and my mom also signed up for a Costco membership today in Fremont. $50 bucks for two people for a whole year! I went there today and I couldnt believe my eyes... Cetaphil moisturizers are BIGGER ANnnnD CHEAPER than in drugstores! aklsjd;afioah JACKPOT! In drugstores they range from $12-13 bucks and they're in smaller containers. At Costco they sell them for $10 bucks in larger containers. I was truly, truly amazed. Seriously. And please take me seriously when I say that (hehehehehe).

Since it's going to be officially summer soon, I'm looking forward to Music in the Park this year. I'd like to be outdoors under the sun more... I need a tan!!

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